Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

We were swamped but it seems to have tapered off a little bit. I wasn't as into the trick or treaters this year as past years, it really drives the puppies nuts and it's a huge production! Mostly I wanted to play in my studio and head to bed early since I stayed up too late last night baking and watching "Dirty Jobs" re-runs. :)

This is the piece I made for the Halloween Swap I hosted on MMCA. I thought it was really cute and my swap partner really seemed to like it. I made a charm only one for my friend Mark who gifted it to his wife, she's an October baby. It was also very cute.
I know the glass looks cracked but it's not, I promise, it's just made to look old and bubbly!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Update and a new Halloween pic

Okay, so apparently my last post freaked out my in-laws (I would've called if I knew you would read it before the update!) anyway, here's the update from the ENT visit. There's a small, tiny something on my paratid gland (between the results and the ENT reading the thing went from 5mm to .5mm which is a significant difference!) that I have to get checked in 3 months. If I notice anything before now and then, I'm to call him and come in. Mostly, it was a big no progress visit so I'm not sure how good I really feel about it. Apparently if it were bigger he would biopsy it but it's a big giant pain in the ass to get to and it's not that big (hopefully it won't get bigger). Eh, I guess we'll keep an eye on it and then worry about it again in March.

So now for more fun Halloween stuff. This is a little vignette that stays up year round in the bedroom just for a little touch of Halloween spirit all year round! The domino necklace was a fun piece I made while working on some pieces a while back and I love the contrasting colors and the chunkiness of the beads. I'm going to have to find the perfect outfit for this necklace!

This weekend was also a big accomplishment for the London trip. The Eddie Bauer outlet will never be the same after we stocked up on the sweaters, down vests and lightweight jacket I picked up for the trip. It's awesome to be able to buy clothes in a variety of stores, not just the plus size options. I got some great sweaters plus a down vest with a faux fur collar.

We also got new phones so I'm texting up a storm now! :) And, I now have a set of these on my studio day bed since I just couldn't resist. We got the bats and I have a white one, blue one and a black one plus a tiny pink one for work. Rolland surprised me with the black one on Thursday and now I have the set so he's not lonely!

Friday, October 26, 2007

This is my 200th post and it's not what I had hoped!

So, I have to go to the ENT today as a follow-up to my MRI. Turns out, there are somethings outside my brain the neurologist wants to have checked and the ENT reviewed the results and wants me to come in to go over them. Because, the results which showed several abnormalities including some things in the 5mm range. Now, my husband's a nurse and he's trying to appear as if this isn't a big deal while I try not to freak out about what you have around you brain (but not in it... OY! The jokes I made here) that are 5mm and not serious. So, I'm wasting my 200th post on this sort of scared rant.

Now, if it turns out to be nothing why couldn't all of these specialists just say so and not have me come into the office to tell me that. OH, and I called about this uhm, yesterday and they are getting me in today at 1:40. Not good when I'm already nervous since last time I had to wait two weeks.

Okay, freaked myself out enough and I'm moving on so as not to panic. I'll update you later on how it went. As well as, hopefully, a more fun post for 201. With pictures. :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

My Fair Day!

We had a lovely Thursday at the fair, including lots of tasty fried goodness, and a ride on the very tall Ferris wheel. I've included a picture. Although it turns out that once you're in your mid-thirties you max out on the fair after about 2 hours. Here are the major highlights:

1. Fletcher's corny dog
2. Ferris wheel ride
3. Fried Frito burrito
4. Fried Latte
5. Auto Show
6. Dept of Agriculture building (we thought it was the petting zoo :(
7. Salt water taffy
8 Ride home with zero traffic!
BONUS: Gorgeous blue Texas skies!!!

Note: Skyline photo is from the ferris wheel. The building with what looks like a rocket landing on top of it is where I work everyday!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Fancy new camera footwork!

So here are some of the results of the fancy new camera including a new Halloween vignette!

The gray puppy looking ever so slightly crazy and adorable is Maya while the more dignified and above it all puppy is Abby. And by puppy, I mean 100 lbs each but they will always be my puppies! :) We took these on the first day of the new camera. The Halloween vignette, however, is of my very spooky candle village in the living room and was taken tonight in the very dark living room with the fancy new flash.

Seriously, if we had kids they would not be going to college! But, we go back to London our pictures will rock!

Tomorrow we are off to the State Fair of Texas and I am super excited to get all manner of foods that are on a stick and deep fried. Plus I am taking a bunch of pictures - maybe of said food on sticks deep fried! We've lived here for over 12 years and have never made it to the fair so tomorrow we're taking off at noon and going... I'll give you the skinny with pics!

Also, Happy Birthday Scot! My wonderful brother's birthday is today so send good thoughts his way. Now I have to go since getting up at 5 makes this my bedtime!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Swamped.. and yay, me!

I've been super busy at work all week. I mean super busy as in 12-13 hour days busy but finally, this weekend is a time to slow down. Well, not so much today but I have high hopes for tomorrow! We did a bunch of holiday shopping and some browsing for luggage for our upcoming London trip. I was also more than pleasantly shocked to find I can buy clothes at the Gap now. Long story, but for years the store sizes were not in my range and now they are so whoo hoo! I am now the proud owner of khaki cargo pants, a black military jacket and a green t-shirt with a crown on it (sucker, for anything with a crown). All for the reasonable price of $44 bucks. Seriously, this is not a price point I'm normally familiar with for all of these items!

We also bought a fancy new camera which then required more lens browsing, searching for bags, OY! Expect to see some great new candid puppy shots and odd test pics appearing. Okay, that's it for tonight. I'm catching up on the TIVO and then to bed!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Introducing the Remarkable Miss Frankenstein!

I've been working on this collage off and on all week as I've had a few spare minutes. I started by gessoing the canvas then applied absorbent ground to make the canvas seem more like paper and it worked! Although there's a huge warning label on this product that made my husband a little twitchy! Next, I went with the background and used a bright purple (dioxazine purple) layer that I blotted up with a paper towel then applied a bright yellow - green (thalo yellow green) that I also blotted up. Both were thinned out with acrylic glazing liquid. Then I was ready to apply collaged words to the edges of the canvas to make it seem more finished ( I also added a bat, a moon and a crown just to have more fun!). The words tell the story of Miss Frankenstein who was a little frisky in her younger days - and maybe now for all I know!

Finally, I added the front images and decided I needed another layer and added the gel transferred layer of text to the background. I love the effect of peeling wallpaper this seems to add - this isn't always a successful technique for me so I'm always especially happy when it turns out. She may find her way onto some holiday cards.

The other photos is another one in the line of our Halloween photos. This one is our front porch.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

First of the Halloween Pics and latest commission piece

A friend at work asked me to make a necklace using an image with a travel/Moroccan theme. She's also switching jobs so this is what I came up with for her. She had originally requested really bright colors but I just kept coming back to more earth tones because she's just such a grounded and down to earth kind of woman that I think that's what the piece kept screaming for so the color was all in the central image. She really seemed to like it and hope she does really well in her new gig.

The next one is a bead charm I made at Art and Soul last year and I just got around to soldering it. I'm still practicing on soldering the rounded stuff and if there's a trick to it, I'd love to hear it! This one went better than my first attempt but not by much. I will conquer this!

We had dinner on Saturday night with some friends - first time to meet the spouses. We're actually good work friends but it's the first time we've all gotten together. It was really nice. Today, my friend Mark brought me a bag of goodies his wife had put together for me filled with costume jewelry, odd trinkets, bits and bobs, let me tell you, for only having met me once, she's got my ticket! I loved my goodie bag and I've got big plans for it!

Finally, the first of many Halloween pics. This one is the lovely beaker of eyeballs in the guest/hubby's bathroom. He likes the more creepy icky parts of Halloween that I normally veto but somehow this one spoke to me so he came home on Friday and had the eyeballs as a surprise!

Monday, October 01, 2007

New Goodies, but not yet

Okay, it's been a rough migraine weekend so this is a short update. We finally got the house all "halloweened" and it looks great. The front porch looks wonderful and we just have to add the outside lights. I'll post pics, probably over several posts, just to spread the October love!

I do have to say that I recently got two new art books Jane Wynn's new book and it's awesome! I love it. I can't wait to try everything in it. I also got Imperfect Lives which has a very fresh take on scrapbooking so there is new inspiration for me on my London/Paris scrapbook. This would be the trip we took in 2005. I'm really hoping to at least start it before we go back to London in November! OY! I may have gotten a little behind in those projects.

Okay, that's the short and sweet version as I head back to bed.